#!/usr/bin/perl # # Author: Peter Nixon # Date: August 2002 # Summary: Extract information from Radius detail log and # compare/insert/update a Postgresql database. # Copy Policy: GNU Public Licence Version 2 or later # URL: http://www.peternixon.net/code/ # Supported: PostgreSQL (tested on version 7.2 and 7.3) and FreeRadius # Copyright: 2002, 2003 Peter Nixon # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # $Id: h323detail2db.pl,v 1.5 2003/03/26 15:21:03 pnixon Exp $ # # Modules that we use to get things done. require DBI; require Getopt::Long; ## Program and File locations # gzcat - 'cat for .gz / gzip files' # If you don't have gzcat and do have gzip then use: ln gzip gzcat $GZCAT = "/usr/bin/zcat"; # zcat - 'cat for .Z / compressed files' $ZCAT = "/usr/bin/zcat"; # bzcat - 'cat for .bz2 files' $BZCAT = "/usr/bin/bzcat"; # Default Variables $database = "radius"; $port = "3306"; $user = "postgres"; $password = ""; #### You should not have to modify anything below here $progname = "H323 Detail 2 DB"; $version = 2; # Set up some basic variables $passno = 0; $double_match_no = 0; sub read_record { my $keepreading = 1; @record = (); while ($keepreading) { $_ = ; print "$_" if (&debug_get()); if ( /^$/ ) { $keepreading = 0; } else { $record[++$#record] = $_; } } } sub db_connect { my $hostname = shift; if (&debug_get()) { print "DEBUG: Connecting to Database Host: $hostname\n" } if ($hostname eq 'localhost') { if (&debug_get()) { print "DEBUG: localhost connection so using UNIX socket instead of network socket.\n" } $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:Pg:dbname=$database", "$user", "$password") or die "Couldn't connect to database: " . DBI->errstr; } else { $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:Pg:dbname=$database;host=$hostname", "$user", "$password") or die "Couldn't connect to database: " . DBI->errstr; } } sub db_disconnect { ### Now, disconnect from the database if (&debug_get()) { print "DEBUG: Disconnecting from Database Host: $hostname\n" } $dbh->disconnect or warn "Disconnection failed: $DBI::errstr\n"; } sub db_insert { print " Seconds: $AcctSessionTime "; if ($h323_call_type eq 'VoIP') { $sth2 = $dbh->prepare("INSERT into Stop$h323_call_type ( UserName, NASIPAddress, AcctSessionTime, AcctInputOctets, AcctOutputOctets, CalledStationId, CallingStationId, AcctDelayTime, H323RemoteAddress, h323callorigin, h323confid, h323connecttime, h323disconnectcause, h323disconnecttime, h323setuptime) values('$UserName', '$NasIPAddress', '$AcctSessionTime', '$AcctInputOctets', '$AcctOutputOctets', '$Called_Station_Id', '$Calling_Station_Id', '$AcctDelayTime', '$h323_remote_address', '', '$h323_conf_id', '$h323_connect_time', '$h323_disconnect_cause', '$h323_disconnect_time', '$h323_setup_time')"); } elsif ($h323_call_type eq 'Telephony') { $sth2 = $dbh->prepare("INSERT into StopTelephony (UserName, NASIPAddress, AcctSessionTime, AcctInputOctets, AcctOutputOctets, CalledStationId, CallingStationId, AcctDelayTime, CiscoNASPort, h323callorigin, h323confid, h323connecttime, h323disconnectcause, h323disconnecttime, h323setuptime) values('$UserName', '$NasIPAddress', '$AcctSessionTime', '$AcctInputOctets', '$AcctOutputOctets', '$Called_Station_Id', '$Calling_Station_Id', '$AcctDelayTime', '$Cisco_NAS_Port', '', '$h323_conf_id', '$h323_connect_time', '$h323_disconnect_cause', '$h323_disconnect_time', '$h323_setup_time')"); } else { print "ERROR: Unsupported h323calltype \"$h323_call_type\"\n" } $sth2->execute(); #my $returned_rows = $sth2->rows; print "added to DB\n"; $sth2->finish(); } ## This sub can be used to update data in an existing database if you have some fields not in the Database. sub db_update { my $sth2= $dbh->prepare("UPDATE radacct SET CalledStationId = '$Called_Station_Id', AcctTerminateCause = '$AcctTerminateCause', H323RemoteAddress = '$h323_remote_address', AcctStatusType = '$AcctStatusType', h323confid = '$h323_conf_id', h323calltype = '$h323_call_type', CiscoNASPort = '$Cisco_NAS_Port', h323gwid = '$h323_gw_id', h323disconnectcause = '$h323_disconnect_cause', h323connecttime = '$h323_connect_time', h323disconnecttime = '$h323_disconnect_time', h323setuptime = '$h323_setup_time' WHERE AcctSessionId = '$AcctSessionId' AND UserName = '$UserName' AND NASIPAddress = '$NasIPAddress' AND h323confid = '$h323_conf_id'"); $sth2->execute(); my $returned_rows = $sth2->rows; print " $returned_rows record(s) updated\n"; $sth2->finish(); } sub db_read { $passno++; print "Record: $passno) Conf ID: $h323_conf_id Setup Time: $h323_setup_time Call Length: $AcctSessionTime "; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT RadAcctId FROM Stop$h323_call_type WHERE h323SetupTime = '$h323_setup_time' AND NASIPAddress = '$NasIPAddress' AND h323confid = '$h323_conf_id'") or die "Couldn't prepare statement: " . $dbh->errstr; my @data; $sth->execute() # Execute the query or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . $sth->errstr; my $returned_rows = $sth->rows; if ($sth->rows == 0) { &db_insert; } elsif ($sth->rows == 1) { print "Exists in DB.\n"; # FIXME: Make updates an option! #while (@data = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { #my $dbAcctSessionId = $data[1]; ##&db_update; #} } else { $double_match_no++; # FIXME: Log this somewhere! print "********* More than One Match! We have a problem!\n"; } $sth->finish; } sub process_record { if (&debug_get()) { print "DEBUG: Processing Record\n"; } # Clear the variable we use. $UserName = ""; $NasPort=""; $NasPortType=""; $NasIPAddress = ""; $AcctStatusType=""; $AcctSessionTime=""; $AcctInputOctets=""; $AcctOutputOctets=""; $AcctTerminateCause=""; $ServiceType=""; $FramedProtocol=""; $FramedIPAddress=""; $Timestamp=""; $AcctDelayTime=""; $ConnectInfo=""; $Called_Station_Id=""; $SQL_User_Name=""; $Cisco_NAS_Port=""; $Client_IP_Address=""; $h323_remote_address=""; $h323_disconnect_cause=""; $h323_gw_id=""; $h323_conf_id=""; $h323_call_type=""; $h323_disconnect_time=""; $h323_connect_time=""; $h323_setup_time=""; $Calling_Station_Id=""; $h323_call_origin=""; $h323_call_type = undef; foreach (@record) { # Collect data # Initial cleanup of junk from the line of data s/^\s+//; # Strip leading spaces. chomp; # Strip trailing CR # Parse the line of data into variables. $AcctStatusType = $_ if s/Acct-Status-Type = //; # All the data we need is in Stop records. return if ($AcctStatusType eq "Start"); return if ($AcctStatusType eq "Alive"); if (s/h323-call-type = \"h323-call-type=//) { $h323_call_type = substr($_, 0, -1); } elsif (s/h323-call-type = //) { $h323_call_type = $_; }; #FIXME Figure out a way to do this for speed.. # if (!defined($h323_call_type)) { return; } $UserName = $_ if s/User-Name = //; $NasIPAddress = $_ if s/NAS-IP-Address = //; $AcctSessionTime = $_ if s/Acct-Session-Time = //; $AcctInputOctets = $_ if s/Acct-Input-Octets = //; $AcctOutputOctets = $_ if s/Acct-Output-Octets = //; $AcctDelayTime = $_ if s/Acct-Delay-Time = //; $ServiceType = $_ if s/Service-Type = //; $Called_Station_Id = $_ if s/Called-Station-Id = //; $Calling_Station_Id = $_ if s/Calling-Station-Id = //; $Cisco_NAS_Port = $_ if s/Cisco-NAS-Port = //; if (s/h323-remote-address = \"h323-remote-address=//) { $h323_remote_address = $_; } elsif (s/h323-remote-address = //) { $h323_remote_address = $_; }; if (s/h323-disconnect-cause = \"h323-disconnect-cause=//) { $h323_disconnect_cause = $_; } elsif (s/h323-disconnect-cause = //) { $h323_disconnect_cause = $_; }; if (s/h323-conf-id = \"h323-conf-id=//) { $h323_conf_id = substr($_, 0, -1); } elsif (s/h323-conf-id = //) { $h323_conf_id = $_; }; if (s/h323-connect-time = \"h323-connect-time=//) { $h323_connect_time = substr($_, 0, -1); } elsif (s/h323-connect-time = //) { $h323_connect_time = $_; }; if (s/h323-disconnect-time = \"h323-disconnect-time=//) { $h323_disconnect_time = substr($_, 0, -1); } elsif (s/h323-disconnect-time = //) { $h323_disconnect_time = $_; }; if (s/h323-setup-time = \"h323-setup-time=//) { $h323_setup_time = substr($_, 0, -1); } elsif (s/h323-setup-time = //) { $h323_setup_time = $_; }; if (s/h323-call-origin = \"h323-call-origin=//) { $h323_call_origin = substr($_, 0, -1); } elsif (s/h323-call-origin = //) { $h323_call_origin = $_; }; # FIXME: ugh, definitely look into using backreference. # something like s/(\S+)\s*=\s*\1/\1 = / or so } # Remove quotation marks from a bunch of different fields (Stupid Cisco) $UserName =~ s/\"//g; $h323_remote_address =~ s/\"//g; $Called_Station_Id =~ s/\"//g; $h323_disconnect_cause =~ s/\"//g; $h323_setup_time =~ s/\"//g; $h323_connect_time =~ s/\"//g; $h323_disconnect_time =~ s/\"//g; $h323_conf_id =~ s/\"//g; $h323_call_type =~ s/\"//g; $h323_gw_id =~ s/\"//g; $h323_call_origin =~ s/\"//g; # Remove Remove . from the start of time fields (routers that have lost ntp timesync temporarily) $h323_setup_time =~ s/^\.*//; $h323_connect_time =~ s/^\.*//; $h323_disconnect_time =~ s/^\.*//; # If its a valid record continue onto the database functions # FIXME: More checks needed here. if ($h323_call_type) { &db_read }; } sub read_detailfile { my $filename = shift; my @record = (); if (&debug_get()) { print "DEBUG: Reading detail file: $filename\n" } if ( $filename =~ /.gz$/ ) { open (DETAIL, "$GZCAT $filename |") || warn "read_detailfile(\"$filename\"): $!\n"; } elsif ( $filename =~ /.Z$/ ) { open (DETAIL, "$ZCAT $filename |") || warn "read_detailfile(\"$filename\"): $!\n"; } elsif ( $filename =~ /.bz2$/ ) { open (DETAIL, "$BZCAT $filename |") || warn "read_detailfile(\"$filename\"): $!\n"; } else { open (DETAIL, "<$filename") || warn "read_detailfile(\"$filename\"): $!\n"; } $valid_input = (eof(DETAIL) ? 0 : 1); if (&debug_get()) { print "DEBUG: Reading records\n"; } while($valid_input) { $valid_input = 0 if (eof(DETAIL)); if (&debug_get()) { print "DEBUG: -Reading Record-\n"; } &read_record; print "DEBUG: $AcctSessionId" if (&debug_get()); &process_record; } } sub print_usage_info { print "\n"; $leader = "$progname $version Usage Information"; $underbar = $leader; $underbar =~ s/./-/g; print "$leader\n$underbar\n"; print "\n"; print " Syntax: h323detail2db.pl [ options ]\n"; print "\n"; print " -h --help Show this usage information\n"; print " -x --debug Turn on debugging\n"; print " -V --version Show version and copyright\n"; print " -H --host Database host to connect to (Default: localhost)\n"; print " -f --file Detail file\n"; print "\n"; } # Get debugging state sub debug_get() { return $debug; } # Set debugging state sub debug_set($) { $debug = $_[0]; } sub main { # Parse the command line for options if (!scalar(@ARGV)) { &print_usage_info(); exit(SUCCESS); }; # See the Getopt::Long man page for details on the syntax of this line @valid_opts = ("h|help", "V|version", "f|file=s", "x|v|debug", "D|date=s", "H|host=s"); Getopt::Long::Configure("no_getopt_compat", "bundling", "no_ignore_case"); Getopt::Long::GetOptions(@valid_opts); # Post-parse the options stuff select STDOUT; $| = 1; if ($opt_V) { # Do not edit this variable. It is updated automatically by CVS when you commit my $rcs_info = 'CVS Revision $Revision: 1.5 $ created on $Date: 2003/03/26 15:21:03 $ by $Author: pnixon $ '; $rcs_info =~ s/\$\s*Revision: (\S+) \$/$1/; $rcs_info =~ s/\$\s*Date: (\S+) (\S+) \$/$1 at $2/; $rcs_info =~ s/\$\s*Author: (\S+) \$ /$1/; print "\n"; print "$progname Version $version by Peter Nixon \n"; print "Copyright (c) 2002-2003, 2003 Peter Nixon\n"; print " ($rcs_info)\n"; print "\n"; return SUCCESS; } elsif ($opt_h) { &print_usage_info(); exit(SUCCESS); } &debug_set($opt_x); if ($opt_f) { if ($opt_H) { &db_connect($opt_H); } else { &db_connect(localhost); } &read_detailfile($opt_f); &db_disconnect; } else { print "You didn't specify a detail file.\n"; exit(FAILURE); } } exit &main();